Sidebars are vertical navigation menus fixed to the left. They can be used to display branding, navigation links, buttons, forms, and any other content, making them a vital component for most dashboards and other product pages.
Before we begin
Here's a list of things to understand about sidebars in Halfmoon.
- Sidebars are fixed to the left of the page by default, and only one can be used per page.
- Sidebars must be the immediate child of the page wrapper (.page-wrapper). You can learn more about this in the page building section (opens in new tab) of the docs.
- When sidebars are used, the page wrapper (.page-wrapper) must be given the .with-sidebar class. This automatically adjusts all the other content in the page to accomodate the sidebar. Moreover, without this class, the sidebar will not be displayed.
With all that said, given below is an example of a sidebar.